Stop Press: 'Christian' Bush not very christian
American conservatives much the same.
Well, duuuuh!
Then again maybe it isn't obvious to everyone:
When Singer came on my ABC radio show, I suggested he had used a pretty large hammer to crack a pretty small nut: surely no one imagines Bush is simply acting out Christian beliefs. They would see him as just another politician, wouldn't they: in this case following a neo-conservative ideology, while posing in the raiments of faith?
I now accept I was wrong. Singer has used a big hammer, but, boy, these are pretty big nuts.
Now not to be nitpicking but, I find it interesting that for someone I assume is the SMH's top guy on religion in Australia, Richard Glover doesn't seem to know much about Christianity. Apart from being surprised that bombing the innocent and feeding the rich aren't in the Bible, Glover made a throw away reference to Jesus "washing the feet of the poor".
Now Jesus washed feet, and he cared about the poor, but he didn't wash the feet of the poor, he washed the feet of his disciples (maybe we'd consider them poor but that's not the point). The point is I just find it an interesting crack in the media facade when a professional journalist, in a particularly vitriolic attack on the US president, can't even get his bible references right... it's not like there isn't one in every motel in the country for him to take a look.
Like I said, nitpicking, but it just seemed odd.
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Richard Glover might be writing for SMH on religion these days, but I wouldn't call him a religious specialist by any means. He's a radio talk-show host who also writes articles for SMH. They used to be comic stuff for the accompanying magazine, but it seems that he's moved on to bigger stuff now.
Interesting how easy it is to become a 'specialist'. I might try it some day...
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Anonymous, at 12:50 am
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