Bush threatens mankind, says Caldicott
Bush threatens mankind, says Caldicott (SMH) - the headline says it all really. A renowned peace and nuclear-disarmament activist sat down with SMH journos in the aftermath of the US election to ponder what other kinds of aftermath may lie ahead.
Two choice quotes give you some idea:
"I don't know if we'll survive the next four years ... I don't think the Americans have, on the whole, the faintest idea - and I have to say also I don't think most Australians do either. But it's not just the threat from nuclear war. It's the threat of what's happening to the environment, the global warming which is occurring rapidly now, to ozone depletion, to species extinction, to deforestation - it's the whole thing."
"I don't think I've ever felt so personally, politically devastated in my life and that includes when [former president Ronald] Reagan won a second term of office - which was pretty devastating for me as I was so heavily involved in the anti-nuclear movement in those days.
"But this is worse, these people are much worse than the Reagan people."
And remember, Reagan is the man who sold WMD's to Iran out of the White House basement against his own embargo on the country in order to fund an illegal war in Latin America. Congress had refused to fund the Contra's, paramilitary organisations used to destabilise democratically elected governments that weren't favourable to the US. So Reagan's people quietly sold WMD's to Iran despite this being illegal in order to raise the funds themselves.
In a twisted way there is good news in knowing just how crooked the Republican stock Bush comes from is. Both Nixon and Reagan were hopelessly corrupt presidents, but they both overdid things. In his second term Nixon was humiliated when it emerged that he'd used government staff to bug and raid the Democratic headquarters during the election - as Thompson remarked had he used his own people Americans probably would've let it slide but doing it on tax-payers dollars nearly got him impeached and he was forced to flee the White House with his tail between his legs. Reagan likewise overdid his greed and was badly weakened in his second term and hampered by the scars of the Iran-Contra affair.
If we survive the second Bush term we are likely to live in a newly leftist era if only because the corruption and abuse will have become so mind-bendingly blatant.
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We can only hope that you're right, and that stupid people don't just decide that Bush was Right enough and thus vote even more fascist.
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Anonymous, at 1:03 am
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