Swindon's Roundabout FRENZY
I thought Melbourne's Hook Turn was ridiculous. Bah! Swindon, UK, makes a mockery of their trivial surprises.
No moving to the left in order to turn right here. No, think instead roundabouts. Think roundabout FRENZY:
Start with a big roundabout joining six roads, one of which has six lanes. Normal? Well, no. Because this roundabout is a bit big and gets too much traffic it tends to get too full. What if you wanted to go to your immediate right? You'd have to go all the way round and when everyone has to do that things slow down real fast.
So how about we put a counter-clockwise roundabout in the inside of the big roundabout.
"A WHAT?" you say. I'm saying: put a roundabout within a roundabout, but going the other way. Yes, I am serious.
Some will not be able to imagine how this could be done. Other's may be saying "is that all?", well I can answer both questions at once, because there is more my friends. Ohhhh, so much more.
You see, you have to get from the outer roundabout to the inner roundabout and reverse your direction to boot. This seems hard to us, but not to British road authorities, they just rely on their favourite means of directing traffic. And just have a guess what that might be, have ONE GUESS?!
That's right, more roundabouts. But this particular situation calls for a plan of psychology and extreme roundabouts my friends, FIVE roundabouts in fact. Five sub-roundabouts - meta-roundabouts if you will - which join the major roads to the big roundabout and then to the inner roundabout and then let you get out again.
Now, reading this, this probably makes no sense at all to you. In fact you probably think it's a subterfuge, a ruse, an urban myth - yes? Well take a look.
And what do you call such a surreal piece of public works? Why not the British road authority's actual choice, the ever so slightly eccentric "The Magic Roundabout".
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Actually, the current name isn't the original name. The original (and I think still kind of official although nobody knows it) name was much more boring (I can't remember either what it is).
The "Magic Roundabout" name came slightly later and is based on a television program of the same name. And at some point the authorities showed some humour and put the name everyone knew it under on to the road signs.
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Anonymous, at 5:30 am
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