The Bruderhof have spoken...
The Bruderhof are whacky anabaptist types who fled Nazi Germany for Paraguay (Paraguay?! I know) and finally settled in the US. As anabaptists they are committed pacifists and tend to have an interesting spin on all things christian.
This 'Daily Dig' is a free email service of challenging/encouraging quotes etc. Their website also has a large range of free christian e-books.
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Subject: Your Daily Dig from
Love Thy Neighbor
"How can you say, I have fulfilled the law and prophets, since it is written in the law:Jesus' first speech was not good news for property owners.Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself?Look, many of your brothers, sons of Abraham, are covered with filth and dying of hunger while your house is filled with many goods and not a thing goes out of it to them."
Source: "The Early Christians" edited by Eberhard Arnold.
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Knew I liked Origen for a reason. This is a man who castrated himself so that he could work with female catechumens more effectively and be blameless. So his "house" really was filled with good things while not a thing went out of it to them... Te he.
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Anonymous, at 1:11 am
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