International Talk Like a Pirate Day
Ahoy! From comes International Talk Like a Pirate Day! It be this Sunday the 19th o' September. If ye would be swashbucklin gentlemen o' fortune and nay lily-livered scurvy-dog's worthy o' a fine keelhaulin' then ye'll be sailing ye cyber-vessel t'wards and boning up on ye piratical speak.
If ye be a land-lubber and sprogs to the sweet trade thar be instructions available. Ye'll soon be a fine buccanneer, able to woo wenches and swig grog till ye be loaded to the gunwhales. An example to Blackbeard himself.
Lest ye be called a scurvy dog and made to walk the plank ye should consult yon Pirates Code of Conduct for an example of swashbucklin behaviour. Else it be the black spot for ye.
Aye true, tis but five sleeps away me hearties, so make fast the sails, matey, lest ye be found a scurvy son of biscuit eater! Go on the account w' me a few leagues and we be sure to reach the fiddler's green.
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Anonymous, at 12:53 am
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