Government give aways
So it's green slips time for me and I've been wandering the net in search of enlightenment. I've never managed to get a straight answer out of anyone on exactly what green slips insure you against. Even Wikipedia turned out to be too US-centric to know.
Resting my hopes on a Googling I finally discovered that green slips insure you against legal liability for personal injury to anyone else from a car accident where you're at fault. They don't cover any property -- not yours, not the other guy's car, not anything else.
Basically they're compulsory as the government's way of keeping things sane in this age of limitless liability and a litigous population.
Anyway, seems I'm not the only clueless one since the NSW Motor Accidents Authority (who I didn't know existed and would've thought was just doing a small part of what the Roads and Traffic Authority is for) is running a competition trying to educate people about green slips aka Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance. Entering is easy and they've ponied up for 160 prizes per month over this year (yes, ending this month). The prizes aren't iPods and cash but nevertheless 1,920 car detailing kits, first aid kits and chamois' isn't nothing. It'll be interesting to see if they find it worthwhile and we start to see more educational giveaway's from government agencies.
Obviously, the relatively small number of people who visit the MAA website on a regular basis probably means if you want a chamois/first-aid kit/car detailing kit you stand a reasonable chance of winning one.
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I don't know what you're talking about with all this Australian stuff, but it's great to see you posting something to your blog!
Hope all's well.
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Anonymous, at 6:14 am
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