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myshkin press


Evangelical earthquake does Dallas

You know the evenagelical mood shift is penetrating the polical conciousness when even the Dallas Morning News is reporting it. They even have a prof from Dallas Theological Seminary (home of 'Left Behind'-style rapture theology and premillenial dispensationalism) saying:
Evangelicals should lose their "Jimmy Cagney theology," he says. "Quit telling people they're dirty rats who shouldn't be doing what they're doing. Instead, show them the Gospel in ways that resonate with the culture."

The Congressional elections later in the year and the '08 presidential election in the States seem set to unveil a more informed, more critical evangelical voting bloc.

The major challenge is America's clumsy and in many ways outdated electoral system. There is no preferential voting which heavily favours the two party oligarchy. There's also an incredibly high rate of return for incumbents because the system has numerous advantages built in for those in power including the infamous redistricting opportunities.

At the very least we may see evangelicals become a less predictable group, not going with either party but being far more discerning about a candidates actual credentials and character.

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