1,000 Aussies caught in NAB phishing attack
The Register reports that an email (or "phishing") scam has tricked 1,000 NAB customers into downloading a trojan virus from a fake information page after claiming that the NAB had gone bankrupt. It then instructed them to access their accounts online at which point the trojan intercepted their account details.
It's a good reminder that online scams do happen and can target even the humble National Australia Bank. Admittedly you only have to be clever enough to doubt that the NAB would (a) go bankrupt and (b) send you an email informing you of the fact to avoid this scam. However the scams are getting a little closer to home than "Hi I'm aNigerian millionaire and I'll give you half my fortune if you help my transfer my money overseas. All you need to do is put up $25,000 as bond."
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Sorry, did you say 'humble National Australia Bank'?
They aren't that humble is all. I can think of other four letter words to describe them (or any of the big four, for that matter...)
Ranted by
b, at 1:18 am
Well, Australian banks in general are small operations in an online world that is inherently globalised. It's surprising anyone would bother to pick on the NAB with an email scam.
On top of that I was a Dollarmite kid who eventually escaped the clutches of the gouging Commonwealth for the clutches of the gouging up-and-comer St George and am now surveying the shimmering shores of the mythical land of the Teachers Credit Union (I swear its not the only reason I'm getting married... but 'no bank fees, any ATM, multiple accounts from the get go' think about it!). Which is all just to say that Westpac and the NAB always seemed like doomed old-fart institutions from my perspective.
Ranted by
jim, at 2:33 am
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