The Church is Growing Legs
The Washington Post has an interesting profile on Rick Warren. Warren is the pastor of a mega-church (38,000 congregants over Christmas), author of a best-selling book on faith, 'The Purpose Driven Life', founder of an unmatched international network of 400,000 churches and millions of people and the heir apparent for title of 'America's Pastor' to Rev Billy Graham. His number one priority right now though is ending AIDS and extreme poverty.
"The New Testament says the church is the body of Christ, but for the last 100 years, the hands and feet have been amputated, and the church has just been a mouth. And mostly, it's been known for what it's against," Warren said during a break between services at his Orange County church campus. "I'm so tired of Christians being known for what they're against."
As politicians are shifting to the Right to adjust to the new-found power of the Religious Right it seems the star of the Religious Right is waning. Indeed, it sounds like the most influential man in American evangelicalism is boarding the train for an engaged, socially just form of Christianity and the Robertsons and Falwells will very soon be left behind.
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Take a look at this article too.
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jim, at 6:34 am
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