Open Source goes viral
This article may help you understand a movement that has already changed the software industry and may well be one of the biggest influences on the 21st century. It used to be for geeks and computers, now it's infiltrating music, manufacturing (eg. soft drinks), encyclopedias and legal resources.
If it works, it may in fact spark another renaissance - in the sense of a rapid explosion of ideas, innovation and cooperation. Think printing presses without copyright laws where the hardest worker goes to the top and lazy/timid corporations fall by the wayside. It won't work in every field, but when it does the field involved will never be the same.
As I've said before, as far as I'm concerned it's also the most christian mode of operating I've ever come across.
The model is also much more suited to the 21st century than what we're used to if you think about it. It's participatory like the internet, rather than passive like tv, it's collective/networked like again the internet rather than monolithic like corporate models, it's dynamic, developing constantly over time, instead of being issued in static bursts and so on and so on.
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