Oil Fiction
I think there was something in David's last email about things he writes me ending up in my blog so here goes (or was it that I wasn't supposed to put them in...)
This fictional story makes for interesting reading, it's kinda amateurish and heavy handed with its approach but still manages to give you a good perspective on this whole oil business.
When you realize the role of the oil market in the Iraq war and what US neo-conservatives will do to ensure that Americans never pay any more for petrol you begin to wonder whether reducing your oil consumption (ie. through your car, and all the imported things you buy, and all the power you use... and so on and so on) is more than just A Good Thing.
As sensible people have noted in arguing with economic rationalists, the myth of perpetual growth and growth for all is clearly a myth; if 1.3 billion Chinese and 0.8 billion Indians where all to own cars and consume heavily processed and imported goods then the earth simply wouldn't cope with the resulting pollution and nor would our supply of natural resources.
Oil prices are currently at US$47.60/barrel just down from record setting prices last week. That's from prices in previous years in the mid to low thirties.
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