Agnostic Work Ethic?
I finally found the Nietzche quote (see aphorism 58) about busy-ness and the Protestant work ethic squeezing faith and spirituality out of Europe and the West in general:
Has it been observed to what extent a genuine religious life (both for its favourite labour of microscopic self‑examination and that gentle composure which calls itself `prayer' and which is a constant readiness for the `coming of God'‑) requires external leisure or semi‑leisure, ... And that consequently modern, noisy, time‑consuming, proud and stupidly proud industriousness educates and prepares precisely for `unbelief' more than anything else does? Among those in Germany for example who nowadays live without religion, I find ... above all a majority of those in whom industriousness from generation to generation has extinguished the religious instincts: so that they no longer have any idea what religions are supposed to be for and as it were merely register their existence in the world with a kind of dumb amazement. They feel they are already fully occupied, these worthy people, whether with their businesses or with their pleasures, not to speak of the `fatherland' and the newspapers and `family duties': it seems that they have no time at all left for religion, especially as it is not clear to them whether it involves another business or another pleasure ‑ for they tell themselves it is not possible that one goes to church simply to make oneself miserable. ... The great majority of German middle‑class Protestants can today be numbered among these indifferent people, especially in the great industrious centres of trade and commerce; ...
-- Friedrich Nietzsche, "Beyond Bood and Evil", aphorism 58.
I ranted about this earlier.
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