Faulkner opens fire on Senator Hill
Speaking of broadsides tune in to the SMH to see Sen. Faulkner (possibly the most tenacious man in Australian politics) giving readers the skinny on the prisoner abuse scandal as far as it concerns Australia. The man is implacable as he seperates Howard and Hill's lies from any question about 'our troops' and then lays the whole sordid debacle on the table like a mortician making sure to point out exactly why passing the buck won't wash in this case - 353 dead refugees from the Siev X that's why!
Faulkner points out that what is happening here is precisely what allowed Howard to steal an election with stories about
children overboard. In that case he said (after all was done and he'd won the election on an untruth) that it was the military, it was the bureaucrats, it was somebody else who'd lied and just coincidentally won him an election.
Once again Hill and Howard are blaming the military for not passing the truth on, but that can't be allowed to fly this time because, even if (as absurdly unlikely as it is) it were true, this would only mean that the Liberal government had utterly failed to discharge its duty by failing to ensure that
children overboardcould never happen again.
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Faulkner even compares Howard's style with Nixon's policy of 'plausible deniability' - Howard may be, as HST called Nixon, 'our Satan'. He may also be 40 years too late for those kind of twisted, half-truth politics... but who knows, after all everyone's talking about our aging population, maybe he's on to something. Maybe Australian's expect nothing more than a semblance of integrity - however strained - from its leaders. If so I will need to get out soon.
Ranted by
jim, at 6:36 pm
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